• Address: Gryfino

Wełtyńskie Lake, also called Wałtyń, is the largest water reservoir in the Gryfino County. Its surface area is 310.1 ha, and has a maximum depth of 11.6 m. The coastline is 14 km long and it is diversified with numerous bays. It has a shape of irregular eclipse. Moraine hills with a height of up to 20 m above sea level surrounding the reservoir make the area look very picturesque. Three large islands are also very charming: Koźla, Dzicza and Ptasia with their total surface area of 32 ha. Struga Wełtyńska flows out of Wełtyńskie Lake. Along the coastal zone of the lake – on the northern and western parts – there are reed beds and bushes. The lake is surrounded by forests nearly from all sides. On the northern-eastern part of the lake there are meadows with orchids, autumn crocus and short carex. It is also worth observing birds at the lake. You can come across a great crested grebe, a swan, an Eurasian coot, a red-necked grebe, a black-necked grebe, a little bittern, and a black stork.

In the Middle Ages Wełtyń was famous as a fishing lake. Currently fishermen catch mainly breams, pikes, tenches and carps. The lake is also popular among tourists from nearby Gryfino and Szczecin. On the southern and western shore there are numerous resorts, campsites and agritourist farms. Rentals of water equipment offer pedal boats, canoes and boats. It is however prohibited to use motorised boats. There are numerous hiking trails, such as black Czepiński Trail and blue Trail of Wełtyńska Plain and the Myślibórz Lake District. 

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