• Address: Park Jana Kasprowicza, 70-497 Szczecin

The Monument to the Deed of Poles is one of the most characteristic monuments in Szczecin. It was unveiled in 1979. It was funded by contributions from residents and from the A. Warski Szczecin Shipyard. Its author is the sculptor Gustaw Zemła who collaborated on its creation with the sculptor E. Kozak. The monument refers to three generations of Szczecin residents, whose memory was to be preserved by erecting the monument. The first of them is the generation of the Polish community in Szczecin from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries living abroad until the war. The second generation are Szczecin residents who contributed to the reconstruction of the city after the war. The third eagle is a symbol of the last generation that was involved in the development of industry, health care, culture, communication, and modern construction. The plinth was made by J.W. Piskorz-Nałęcki. Its total height is 22.5 m. The eagles presented in the monument weigh in total 60 tons, while the entire structure is as much as 150 tons. The monument is a tourist attraction appearing on numerous postcards, as well as an important place in the minds of the inhabitants. During many state ceremonies flowers are placed under it. The monument is illuminated at night.

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