• Address: 72-001 Pargowo

The ruins of a church in Pargowo are the remnants of a beautiful church from the 14th century, which has not survived up to this day. The building was built on a rectangular plan. It was an aisleless church built of granite slabs. Later on, a sacristy was added on the northern side of the building. Only the walls of the church, with window openings and portals, have been preserved up to this day. Two portals, which can be seen today, are located on the northern and southern walls. From the west, there is a sepulchral monument made of sandstone in a form of an arcade portico incorporated into the façade of the church. This is the most interesting and most valuable element of the building. A plaque used to be there; nowadays, there is an empty place topped with a coat of arms of the von Blumennthal family. The church was open till 1945, and after the Second World War, it started to fall in disrepair. The charming remnants of the church are surrounded by a low damaged wall of stone, covered here and there with ivy. Near the church, there was a cemetery, whose presence can be proven by sparse fragments of tombstones scattered around the building. The area is covered by dense, wild vegetation. There are many stately and ancient trees.

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