Bar or restaurant/place of interest/Tourist Information and other CFPs

  • safe and free-of-charge bike parking lot
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Building fully accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Service in English available
  • Service in German available
  • Wi-Fi

CFP additional services

  • Pressure washer or other equipment for washing the bicycle and gear
  • Information on the local tourist offering, attractions, organized trips and cycling events
  • Safe parking lot available for longer (more than 24 hours) parking of bicycles
  • Information on other facilities with CFP recommendation
  • Maps, tourist guides to the area, informational materials


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

The center is located just a few meters from the bank of the East Oder River, on the City Wharf. This promenade, popular with locals and tourists alike, offers exceptional views at any time of the day or year of the Międzyodrze River on the opposite bank - a unique natural area in the country that is part of the Lower Oder Valley Landscape Park.

Only a few dozen meters separates the Center from the entrance to the Blue Velo bicycle route (No. 3) leading towards Szczecin or through the city and further south towards Trzcinsk-Zdrój. From our door cyclists can set off in the direction of the Polish-German border located 3 kilometers away, beyond which it is possible to enter many bicycle routes, including the 630-kilometer-long Odra-Nysa international bicycle route. Several minutes separate the cyclist from the path from Gryfino to Gardno from where it is not far to the Beech Forest and other bicycle trails. You can safely park your bike under the windows of the CIT, you can catch wi-fi in the building and its surroundings, and there is a free toilet on the waterfront. A bike path runs the entire length of the waterfront. The key role of the year-round center is to provide information about the tourist and cultural offerings of the area, but that's not our only activity. It is the place where exhibitions promoting local artists are held, as well as numerous events that take advantage of the tourist and natural potential of the area, such as bicycle rallies, canoe trips and hiking tours. We have a wide selection of bicycle maps of the closer and farther surrounding areas, both on the Polish and German sides. We also have numerous maps, folders and tourist studies, as well as small souvenirs such as postcards, stickers and magnets. Anyone who wants to leave us with a commemorative stamp in the Cycling Trip Booklet, travel log or postcard can choose from several different designs. Cyclists have been the largest group of tourists visiting our Center for years. A constant sight with us are parked bicycles and tourists resting on benches before continuing their journey.

We will provide you with the necessary maps, tell you where you can drink coffee or eat lunch without taking your eyes off your bike and luggage, suggest, if necessary, where to find a bicycle service, and listen to your stories from the journey, and that's what we like best :).

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