• Address: Pl. Polonii, 75-415 Koszalin

The author of the Rodło monument is Zygmunt Wujek.The unveiling of the monument took place on 13.10.1982, it was one of the points ofa popular-scientific session devoted to the importance of secret education during the occupation and the struggle of the Union of Poles in Germany for a Polish school.

The monument is made of hewn granite, on the front wall there is an engraved sign of the rhodło and a bronze plaque that partially covers this sign. The plaque bears the inscription: "Pole to Pole brother to brother.... On the ninth anniversary of the establishment of the 5th district of the Union of Poles in Germany, to the memory of those who gave their lives for Poland." Until 2007, there was a bronze Piast eagle on top of the monument, but it was probably stolen. In 2008, a new eagle appeared, made of marble on the model of the guttergraph from the convention of the Union of Poles in Germany.

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