On the main market square of Cedynia, we can find a 19th-century town hall. The building was built in 1840 in place of a 16th-century town hall, on a small slope. It was erected on a rectangular plan with sides of 19.48 and 13.22 m. The building is built of ceramic brick with the foundation of split stone. The town hall has no basement due to its location on a hill slope.

The present building represents the classical style; once richly ornamented façade was destroyed during the renovation of the town hall in the 1966. In the years 1997-1998, embellishments were restored according to the recommendations of a historic preservation officer. The façade of the building is symmetrical and eight-axle with two two-axle avant-corpses on both sides. The main entrance to the town hall is situated asymmetrically. The building has two storeys. In the 1960s, a boiler house was built on the rear wall of the building – it is located on the ground floor level. The extension has been surrounded by a wall.

The town hall’s interior is modest, devoid of any decoration. In the northern part, where a firehouse used to be located, one can find a meeting hall. In the front part of the ground floor, there are office spaces, in the rear – sanitary facilities and a boiler room. On the first floor office spaces and mayor’s office are located. Also, a wedding hall is situated there. In one of the offices a wall safe has been preserved.

The cubature of the entire building amounts to 2,462 cubic metres, the usable area of the town hall to 389.5 square metres.

Till 1830, in front of the former town hall a wooden statue representing a Roman warrior was located. It symbolized the judiciary independence of the town and functioned as a pillory. In 1836, the figure was given to a museum in Berlin.

Nowadays, the building on 1 Wolności Square in Cedynia houses the seat of the City Hall.

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