• Address: Jasne Błonia, 71-430 Szczecin

The monument was unveiled on June 18th, 1995. It is situated in place where Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass during his visit in Szczecin on June 11th, 1987. The sculpture was made of bronze. It was designed by Czesław Dźwigaj, who was a creator of similar monuments located in the West Pomerania Province. He was assisted by Stanisław Latour. The figure of the Pope is shown in liturgical vestment; in one hand he holds a cross and his second hand is raised in a famous gesture of salutation. On the pedestal, there is a papal coat of arms, the coat of arms of Szczecin, and a quotation from a homily delivered during the Pope’s memorable visit: “...Family is strong with God, country is strong with family...”. 

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