• Address: pl. Katedralny 7/7, 72-400 Kamień Pomorski
  • Page: https://www.mhzk.eu
  • Phone: Biuro: 91 382 23 73, dyrektor - Grzegorz Kurka: 601 585 323

Located in the cathedral complex in the Old Town, the museum has permanent exhibitions on archaeology and sacral art, and also holds temporary exhibitions. The latest attraction is an interactive presentation on Ewald von Kleist – a physicist and inventor, creator of the first capacitor.

The Kamień Land History Museum was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the archaeologist Grzegorz Kurka and the Kamień Land Lovers Society. The museum is located in the chapter house of the Kamień Cathedral and the Bishop's Palace. The idea of establishing a museum was born in 2004 during an inventory of the collections gathered in the attic of the cathedral patio. At that time, a large number of monuments were found. A large part has never been made available, so it was decided to display them.

Among the museum exhibits there are, among others 4 Neolithic hatchets, 1 flint ax, a flint sickle of the Funnel Beaker Culture, a flint scraper from the 6th-5th century BC, a clay cup of the Lusatian culture, ash urns, a Bombentopf vessel from the 13th century, a medieval bone sickle binding, fragments of early medieval vessels, fragments of stoneware imported ceramics, fragments of an oak boat - dugouts from the 5th-6th centuries CE, stained glass, fossils of fish from the Palaeozoic era and ammonite shells from the Mesozoic era, rocks, minerals, animal bones, auroch with visible cuts on the surface, turtle's shell, hippopotamus jaw, saw fish sword, medieval horseshoe with crayfish used for horse riding in the swamps, iron cannonballs, fragment of a medieval sword, fragment of a stone epitaph found in 1873 in a former monastery.

In addition to the above-mentioned monuments, the museum has exhibits that have been exhibited for many years in the Cathedral Treasury. These are Renaissance stove tiles, incl. glazed tile with a portrait of prince Barnim XI and Friderite tiles from the mid-18th century.

The museum's collections are also on display in the Bishop's Palace. There you can see two photo exhibitions: "History written on glass - Adolf Bartelt, photographer from Kamień" and "The city stopped in the frame of Kamień Pomorski in the photography of Stanisław Kolasiński".

In addition to the permanent exhibition of sacred and archaeological monuments, the museum opens a new temporary exhibition from time to time. Temporary exhibitions are devoted to the history of Kamień Pomorski and, for example, show photos provided by residents or important anniversaries, e.g. the jubilee of the International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music in Kamień Pomorski, or the work of local artists.

The creators of the museum hope that the activity of the Museum of the History of the Kamień Pomorski Region will contribute to the reactivation of the Regional Museum in Kamień Pomorski.


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