• Address: 74-121 Rynica

In 2003, the villagers cleaned up the area of the German necropolis, a commemorative plaque was placed in front of the entrance to the cemetery, which bears the inscription: "we pay tribute to our ancestors from Roderbeck, combined with thanks to the Polish community of Rynica, who made the common path to understanding between nations possible. In silent remembrance - compatriots." In 2007, the family of Hans Günter Schliebe - a resident of the village until 1945, who died in 2006 - placed another plaque with this epitaph: "Your ashes are in Germany. Your soul is in heaven. But your spirit is here." In Rynica, once a year there are meetings of Poles and Germans who left the village in 1945.

In the cemetery one will find dozens of stone tombstones with floral ornaments. Some of them are legible, on some you can see the empty space left by the plaques. Some monuments are in pieces. In the cemetery we also find several cast iron crosses, on which German inscriptions are also legible. The cemetery is surrounded by a fence, and an old cast-iron gate with a cross carved in metal leads to the necropolis.

The cemetery in Rynica was added to the provincial list of monuments in July 2012.

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