• Address: ul. Spacerowa, 72-020 Trzebież

Amenities available

  • Playground

The beach with life guards on duty runs along Spacerowa Street. Attractions include children’s playgrounds, a skatepark, and an outdoor gym. There is a foot and cycleway nearby, plenty of bars, and a camping site.

The guarded beach in Trzebież stretches along a short coast of Szczecin Lagoon in its southern narrowed part. The beach constitutes a part of the Recreation and Beach Complex. There is a tennis court, two beach volleyball courts with small bleachers, as well as a universal court suitable for football and basketball. There are several various playgrounds, as well as a skate park, an open-air gym and a so called health path with interesting gym equipment. Along the coast from Delfin Restaurant to the bathing area there is a promenade in the shade of trees, among lagoon vegetation. Simultaneously to the promenade, there is also a walking and cycling trail and along it there is also a road which finishes next to the parking area. One of the newest and most interesting elements is a 10-metre lookout tower from which you can admire Szczecin Lagoon and the surroundings of the complex. By the beach there is a campsite, recreation resorts and various catering facilities. The bathing area is guarded and there are regulations that the visitors need to keep. The bathing area is marked with lifebuoys. There are also floating piers where you can walk, as well as lie down on a towel or a blanket. In summer the water in the lagoon is very warm, but unfortunately it is not transparent.


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