• Address: Bunkrowa 1, 72-600 Świnoujście

One of the tallest lighthouses in Poland was built in 1857. The building is 69 meters tall and you have to take 300 steps to reach the top.

The lighthouse was built in 1857. The construction of the lighthouse began in 1854 and lasted until 1857. On December 1, 1857, the lighthouse shone its light for the first time. The object is made of face brick, 69 meters high. Over 300 steps lead to the top of the lighthouse. It is one of the tallest lighthouses in Poland, and also on the entire Baltic coast. The tower overlooks the port, the forested coast of Międzyzdroje, and the resorts on the Uznam island. The lantern gives light with a range of 46 km. Since 1958, the lighthouse also sends a radio signal in the Mors alphabet. Currently, the lighthouse also emits red light. Currently, the lighthouse is under the supervision of the Maritime Office in Szczecin. In the years 1998-2000 the lighthouse was thoroughly renovated. The facility was made available to tourists only in 2000.  Next to the lighthouse, there is the Lighthouse and Sea Rescue Museum. The museum was established in buildings previously inhabited by lighthouse keepers. Navigational equipment can be seen in the museum. Some of the museum exhibits are available outside, e.g. old boats and anchors.


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