• Address: Topolowa 20, 78-425 Biały Bór

Biały Bór is one of the most active centres of Ukrainian culture. The architecturally unique Greek Catholic church erected according the design by Prof. J. Nowosielski attracts annually many experts and enthusiasts of art. It is a place of festivals and reviews of church music, attended by eminent and famous choirs.

The church in Biały Bór was built in the years 1992-97. In 1998, the “Murator” building industry journal recognized the church as a pearl of Polish modern church architecture. In 2006, during the “Ikony polskiej architektury” [The Icons of Polish Architecture] exhibition in the Contemporary Art Centre in Warsaw, it was recognized by the jury as one of the 20 most important buildings of the Third Republic of Poland.

The building of the church refers with its architecture to Old-Christian basilicas. It has small windows and a simple façade with little towers and a double semi-circular pediment. Inside the church, there is a three-dimensional plan of basilica, consisting of a lowered central part topped with a dome with an image of Christ Pantocrator and side parts separated with black columns. The iconostasis is minimalist, reduced to three icons presenting the Crucifixion and the images of Jesus and Maria.

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