• Address: 72-100 Żółwia Błoć

The church cemetery was established in the 14th century. In the interwar period the cemetery was devastated. Unused and dilapidated it survived until 2008. At the turn of 2008/2009, thanks to the financial support of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the object was cleaned up. The foundations of the demolished church were also uncovered, nature monuments were marked, and benches were erected. A lapidarium was created in the cemetery, which consists of several preserved tombstones. The lapidarium contains two boulders. They serve as a monument to the villagers who died during World War I. Next to one of the boulders is a full-size figure of a monk holding a cross. The lapidarium lies on the route of the so-called "sentimental" bicycle trail No. 2, leading through the former cemeteries of the Goleniow municipality.

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