• Address: Nikolaikirchstraße 7, 17389 Anklam
  • Phone: +49 3971 8350

The church of St Nicholas, located in the heart of the Hanseatic town of Anklam by the Peene river, is one of the few remains of the brick Gothic architecture dating back to the founding of Anklam 750 years ago. The “Window Gallery of Hansa Coats of Arms” in the church is a unique monument to the Hanseatic League.

The St. Nicholas church has been named in honor of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors, fishers and the tradesmen. It was built in gothic-hanseatic architecture and was completed during the second part of the 15th century. For centuries the church was the town’s landmark and a symbol for freedom and the prosperity of the hanseatic townspeople. The 103m high church tower – once a lighthouse – greets seamen on Oderhaff.

At the end of the Second World War – during the bombardment of Anklam - the church was almost completely destroyed. In 1994 the “Förderverein Nikolaichurch e.V.” was founded to protect the church. Since 1995 the church is gradually reconstructed. In 1999 the building was open to the public.

Nowadays Otto Lilienthal’s old baptistery is the exhibition house and event hall. Changing exhibitions are dedicated the dream of flying and town’s famous son.

The church tower is nowadays passable and leads you to the highest viewpoint of the town from where you can see the Peenetal in all its beauty. The project “Ikareum” should be realized in the future, a visitor center that is connected to the museum.

The St. Nicholas church is open from May till October. The Otto-Lilienthal-Museum offers tours through the church.


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