The Bastille is a branch of the Museum of Archaeology and History in Stargard Szczeciński. The sixteenth-century building, which used to be a part of town fortifications, was rebuilt in 2013 and adapted to serve as a museum.

The Bastille is a four-storey exhibition about the history of the town. 'Stargard - a place with history. Stargard from the late Middle Ages to the 1920s.' is a permanent exhibition that tells the story of medieval, modern and post-war Stargard by the use of over 300 buildings, 1000 drawings and documents as well as postcards. Apart from the traditional exhibition, the visitor will there find multimedia i.e. touch screens, monitors, a hologram and a multisphere in the shape of the globe, as well as small archaeological excavation for children and magnifying glasses for viewing coins and stamps.

In the Bastille, in addition to the display section where an exhibition is, there is also an educational-experimental zone in which, among others, museum lessons, meetings and other events are organised. The educational room is equipped with a multimedia projector and screen, and is able to accommodate approx. 20-30 people.

Directly from the building, You can go onto a reconstructed hoarding - an observation, from which there is a view on the defensive wall overlooking Piastowski Park and Sukiennicza Street.

The exhibition is designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities - there is a lift in the Bastille, You can rent audio guides, and the whole exhibition is available in audio description for the blind and visually impaired. Restrooms are adjusted to the needs of the disabled. The entire building is air-conditioned.

The whole exhibition is described in two languages ​​- Polish and German, the first two displays are also available in English.

The Bastille offers, among other things, museum classes for children and youth, also with the use of tablets and other teaching aids. For children, Birthday in the Museum is organised, which is a party when You can celebrate in the company of invited guests surrounded by an atmosphere of history and its trivia. During school holidays, The Bastille organises classes for children, and throughout the year - the museum family workshops for families.

In May, visitors can take part in the Stargard Night of Museums, and in June, in Piastowski Park in front of the Bastille, the Historic Day is organised as a part of the Days of Stargard. It is a festival kept in the climate of the history of the town, with historical re-enactments and numerous attractions for visitors.

Every month in the Bastille, Museum Meetings with the Past are held, which are open lectures for history enthusiasts.

There is no parking around the Bastille itself, but the designated place for the bus is located at Krzywoustego Street, while at Prezydentów Street, there is a car park for several cars.

On Thursdays, visiting the Bastille is free of charge.

An audio guide rental in the Bastille (in Polish and German, the path for children and adults): free of charge. Exclusively for individual visitors.


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