CFP accommodation site

  • one night stay available for at least 4 tourists
  • safe and free-of-charge bike and luggage storage
  • free-of-charge tools for basic bike repairs
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Service in English available
  • Wi-Fi
  • SPA & Wellness / beauty salon / massage
  • Playground
  • Amenities for toddlers (chairs, beds)
  • Mini ZOO / animal farm

CFP additional services

  • Clothes and gear drying service
  • Washing service
  • Pressure washer or other equipment for washing the bicycle and gear
  • Transport of bikes, luggage, vehicles or guests to the next stage of the trip / next transport junction
  • Information on the local tourist offering, attractions, organized trips and cycling events
  • Safe parking lot available for longer (more than 24 hours) parking of bicycles
  • Electric bikes charging station
  • Access to kitchen or other facilities to prepare a meal
  • Information on other facilities with CFP recommendation


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Opening dates: V-X
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt sezonowy

Willow settlement is a place where you can rest away from the hustle and bustle of the city, as there is peace and quiet to be found in nature. In the vicinity is the "Mouth of the Warta River" Landscape Park, a little farther the "Porzecze" Nature and Landscape Complex, the "Boleszkowice Yews" Nature Reserve, the "Mouth of the Warta River" National Park.

The standard of accommodation is very varied, adapted to various forms of recreation: guest cottage for 4 people with its own bathroom and kitchenette; "traveler's attic", with three single beds, where you will regenerate before the next day's adventure; "witch's cottage," with a double bed, where you'll feel like you're in a fairy tale; "cottage under the stars," with a window in the ceiling through which you watch the stars; there's also a camping area and space for an RV.

At guests' disposal: toilets, shower with hot water, bathroom, equipped kitchen, shed, playground, place for bonfire, barbecue, etc.

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