• Address: pl. Wolności, 78-200 Białogard

The Old Town (the market square), currently Wolności Square, used to be the centre of life as in every other town. The houses of the old town in Białogard are well preserved and are one of the most valuable town buildings. They have not avoided many renovations and reconstruction due to numerous fires that destroyed the town. The southern frontage of the market square has unfortunately not survived; in its place, a residential house was built in the 1960s. It is a modern building that unfortunately does not render the character of the place and significantly standing out from the other houses in terms of aesthetics. Apart from the town hall, the most interesting buildings are situated in the corners of the market – burghers’ houses in at the confluence of Kopernika and Rycerska Streets with a steeple and dormer windows in a mansard roof. Finally, the most imposing house is the building located on 11 Wolności Square, representing an eclectic style, entered into the register of historic monuments. In this place, attention should be paid to two beautiful sculptures located in the niches between the windows of the first floor in the front façade. The rumour has it that they were made by Boguslav Utech, grandfather of the most famous pre-war local artist - Joachim Utech. The fate of the house continued to develop with its ups and downs; it changed its tenants; for many years it housed the PKO BP bank; currently, it is the seat of the authorities of the district of Białogard. On the main square of the Old Town – Wolności Square – stands a glass display cabinet in which the founded archaeological site can be seen.

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