
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Ogrody Przelewice- Zachodniopomorskie Centrum Kultury Obszarów Wiejskich i Edukacji Ekologicznej
The 1st Festival of Roses and Ornamental Shrubs. On June 29 to the Przelewice Gardens we invite all interested parties but especially those interested in horticulture, agriculture and gardening to participate in this event. The program includes a seminar, a tour of the Garden and a plant sale.
June 29 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

???? Lecture topics:
Lecture by Sebastian Weiland from the association Kunst und Natur e.V. on the topic: large-crowned fruit trees; planting, care, use and conservation - a common task!
Lecture by Dr. Joanna Sliwinska on the topic: History of the Dendrological Garden, concept of revitalization and conservation of old resources, including fruit trees.

Number of places (seminar) limited. Those wishing to attend, please reserve a place by calling 91 564 30 80
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