• Address: 72-001 Smolęcin

The ruins of a church in Smolęcin, although situated near a road, are hidden in a thicket of trees and bushes. The building was built of erratic stones in the 14th century as an aisleless church on a rectangular plan. Brick was also used during the construction of the building, but only for door and window frames. Later, a wooden tower topped with a baroque cupola was added on the western side of the church. In the 19th century, the church was rebuilt. Up to this day, it is possible to see mediaeval lanceted window openings preserved, entirely or partially, in the eastern and southern façades. In the western façade, there is a damaged lanceted main portal. The church was not destroyed during the war, but it fell in disrepair in the late 1950s after a period of not being used. The church used to be surrounded with a stone wall, which has been partially preserved up to the present times. Also, a fragment of an entrance gate made of brick and stone, has survived. There used to be a cemetery next to the church, whose presence can be now proven by fragments of tombstones scattered around them. In the heap of scattered stones, one can notice a fragment of a cast-iron fence that probably surrounded a tomb. Outside the church’s area, a modern chapel with a figure of St Mary has been erected. Nearby, there is a small cross. The place is very well maintained. The property has been marked with an informational board with a short description of the history of Smolęcin and the church in Polish and German.

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