Located in Kasprowicz Park, it is one of the largest amphitheaters in Poland. Aside from theatrical performances, it also hosts various concerts, festivals, and live comedy shows.

Helena Majdaniec Summer Theatre is one of the largest amphitheatres in Poland. It stands in the Kasprowicz Park by the lake with a charming name – Rusałka. The natural slope ensures excellent acoustics and the green surroundings make for a pleasant atmosphere. 
The present Summer Theatre was built at the place of a post-German performance stage. Originally, it was surrounded by a fountain cascade. Today, there are flowers in place of water. In the immediate vicinity there are works of art whose purpose is to complete the amphitheatre scenery. They include ‘Ogniste ptaki’ [Fire birds] construction by Władysław Hasior, popular among children, ‘Tańcząca para’ [Dancing couple] by Ryszard Chachulski and a mosaic by Piotr Wieczorek. 
The amphitheatre of Szczecin is worth visiting when you are taking a stroll down the Kasprowicz Park alleys. At the amphitheatre you can sit down, find some rest and enjoy the beauty of nature. But most of all, the facility is one of the largest and the most popular stages in Szczecin. It is a site of multiple cultural events. The spectators can laugh during comedy sketches or shed a tear during an opera work. A number of Polish and international music stars performed at the amphitheatre, including Kult, Budka Suflera, Drupi, Omega and many others. 
The Summer Theatre is an obligatory spot on the tourist map of Szczecin. It is a place of entertainment, rest and fun. It can also serve as an excellent starting point of a trip around the Kasprowicz Park and neighbouring woods. 



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