
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Gmina Mirosławiec, Wojskowe Mirosławieckie Stowarzyszenie Eksploracyjno-Historyczne Markisch Friedland, Ośrodek Kultury w Mirosławcu
The rally will be held on October 05, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m. The start of the rally and its end will be in Miroslawiec Górny (at the airplane monument). The route will be a maximum of 11 km.

All registered participants may take part in the rally, with the proviso that participation of persons under 15 years of age is possible only in the company of a parent, legal guardian, or other adult taking responsibility for the minor during the rally.

Applications will be accepted as follows:
- the participant should first express his desire to participate by sending an application to the email address:, by phone: 67 / 2590 261, or in person at the Municipal Office in Miroslawiec. By this means, applications will be accepted until October 1, 2024.The organizers also provide for the possibility of accepting applications on the day of the rally,
- along with the willingness to participate, a written statement signed by the Participant (in the case of adults) or by a parent/legal guardian (in the case of minors) must be delivered to the Miroslawiec Municipal Office,
- The statement in question can also be delivered on the day of the rally, i.e. 05.10.2024. - at the designated point for registration of participants.

The Regulations of the event will be available at www.mirosł, at the Municipal Office in Miroslawiec and will be made available by the Organizers on the day of the event.
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