
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Krajowy Ośrodek Wsparcia Rolnictwa Oddział Terenowy w Szczecinie
"Saturday Bazaar on Bronowicka Street", is a cyclical event organized by the National Center of Agricultural Support Branch in Szczecin.
Exhibitors - are local food producers,
Customers - residents of Szczecin and the surrounding area,
Place - square in front of the headquarters of the National Agricultural Support Center OT in Szczecin, Bronowicka 41 Street, from 9 am to 1 pm.
The idea of organizing a bazaar arose due to the great interest in regional and organic products among consumers. Local manufacturers gained a new place to sell, while buyers gained access to a wide range of traditional and organic products.
The Bazaar offers regional, seasonal products directly from the farmer, including vegetables, fruits, honey, dairy products, cured meats, fish, homemade preserves, etc.
Periodically, the bazaar is attended by about 20 exhibitors and producers from our region.
The bazaar schedule is available on FB KOWR OT in Szczecin.
You are cordially invited.
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