• Address: al. Róż 1, 74-510 Trzcińsko

The former spa complex is located to the east of the Old Town complex, just outside the city walls. Buildings are located in the eastern part, while the western part consists of a landscape park, adjacent to the spa house. The spa house was established at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries as a therapeutic bathing facility that used peat bog deposits.

The original spa complex was comprised of a spa house, a boiler house, a kitchen, and a gym. The present buildings include a laundry, an ironing room, a common room, a garage, an archive, a chapel, and a porter’s lodge.

The main building is located in the centre of the complex. The spa house has the total area of 745 square meters. It was built in brick on a crushed rock foundation in a form of a horseshoe. Along the eastern wall of the spa house there were tracks used for transporting therapeutic peat. There is no historic window or door carpentry preserved in the building.

The historic boiler house is located to the east of the spa house. The building was built in brick. There is a free-standing chimney situated near its northwest corner. The building has 120 square meters. The kitchen and the gym are also located to the east of the main building. The kitchen, built in brick, has 115 square meters. No window or door carpentry has been preserved. In the attic, there are two metal boilers used in the past to heat up therapeutic peat.

The complex was built in the years 1898-1907, but the spa resort started its activity already in 1898. After the Second World War, the complex of buildings was taken over by the Treasury; it functioned as a health resort for three first years after the war, then the entire equipment was transported to Połczyn Zdrój, and the house itself was transformed into the Holiday Academic Centre. In the late 1970s, after a major overhaul and construction of present buildings, the former spa complex has become a seat of a nursing home, which is located there up to this day.

The building has been entered into the provincial register of historic monuments in January 2003.  


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