The castle was built in the 13th century by the von Everstein family. The castle, which currently serves as a prison, is surrounded by a wall measuring 150 x 80 meters.
The prison buildings consist mainly of nineteenth-century buildings, few buildings from the medieval period, and also from the sixteenth century. In the courtyard of the prison, paved fragments have been preserved. There is a moat on the south and east sides of the courtyard. The castle was built in the vicinity of residential and farm buildings. Maidan was surrounded by a moat and an embankment with a palisade. The castle was rebuilt many times in accordance with German standards. In the 13th and 14th centuries, The castle was in its heyday. There was a bakery, a brewery, a blacksmith's shop, a stable, a garden with stone benches, and a vegetable garden in the area of the Maidan.
At the end of the 18th century, the castle was rebuilt into a prison and an educational institution. Since then, the castle served as a prison, an educational institution for juvenile criminals, and a heavy penitentiary. Until 1945, the facility serves as a prison for young people, and after 1956 it houses a prison again. At that time, the castle and the adjoining buildings were rebuilt, which changed the historical character of this building. sloping roofs have been replaced with flat ones.  The church was rebuilt into workshops.
In 1989, as a result of a prisoner rebellion and a fire caused by a rebellion, the remains of historical buildings were destroyed. One of the most important losses was the destruction of the sixteenth-century casemates

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