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  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

The museum in Stare Łysogórki was established on a hasty basis in 1961 thanks to the political authorities of the time. The opening of the facility managed to combine with the Polish Army Day celebrations held at the Siekierkowski Cemetery of Soldiers of the 1st Polish Army in Stare Łysogórki. On October 15, 1961, the Gratitude Monument by Slawomir Lewinski, a sculptor from Szczecin, was unveiled.

Currently, the museum in Stare Łysogórki, thanks to renovation work that took place between 2016 and 2018, offers visitors museum exhibitions located on three levels.

On the first floor is an exhibition dedicated to the forcing of the Oder River in 1945 as part of the Berlin Operation. The refreshed, retrofitted exhibition includes personal documents of soldiers and equipment of German, Soviet and Polish soldiers from the Second World War. In the museum we will come across, among other things, the history of the family of a soldier of the 1st Polish Army, thanks to the determination of Mr. Jozef Cygan, who after the death of his grandparents decided to continue the search for the grave of their daughter, Zofia Cygan. Our facility has original photos and documents describing the family and frontline history.

The glass cases display the uniforms of the soldiers of the 1st Army of the Polish Army, and in one of the display cases the uniform of a paratrooper of the Polish Armed Forces, formed in Britain, the units of General Stanislaw Sosabowski, is also exhibited. Another curiosity is a recently purchased unique air force uniform jacket modeled on a pre-war Model 36 air force jacket. The valuable exhibit has characteristic elements of German M42 uniforms produced for the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS units.

On the first floor of the building are two temporary exhibitions. The first, Equipment Hidden Under Thatch, presents old household tools, among other things. The second exhibit, From Trains to Bicycles, presents bicycles made in the 20th century in Poland, Germany and Sweden. The newest acquisition is a Monark tandem. Also waiting for tourists are information boards with archival photos, maps, presenting the period 1747 - 1753, when, by the decision of King Frederick the Great of Prussia, a new canal was built between Gozdowice and Osinow Dolny. This changed the course of the Oder River. What's more, on the charts you can also read how the first bridge was built (1890 - 1892) and the second bridge (1929-1930) connecting the New March area with Berlin.

The artifacts collected there are related to the events on the Oder River in 1945. An interesting attraction for visitors is the IS - 2 tank located near the site. The machine belonged to the Polish 4th Independent Tank Regiment and in the period from July 1944, to May 1945, traveled a combat route of 1,300 kilometers from Zhytomyr to the Elbe River.

Cemetery in Staré Lysogory

Polish soldiers killed during the Berlin Operation were buried in the war cemetery in Stare Lysogory, established in 1945. Almost two thousand soldiers rest there, a significant number of whom fell during the crossing of the Oder River.

The cemetery was established on a square plan, with strict symmetry in the layout of the plots.

In 1961, a Gratitude Monument chiseled by Slawomir Lewinski was erected in the cemetery, which depicts a woman with a child in her arms standing against a background of an 18-meter concrete obelisk with a sail.

The symbolism of this place refers to the return of the Oder River lands to the motherland and new life.

Every year, ceremonies commemorating the outbreak of World War II and the forcing of the Oder River are held at this cemetery.

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