Bar or restaurant/place of interest/Tourist Information and other CFPs

  • safe and free-of-charge bike parking lot
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Building fully accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Service in English available
  • Wi-Fi
  • Payment with credit card / BLIK / mobile app, etc.
  • Gym / fitness
  • Playground
  • Cinema / projector room / outdoor cinema / film rental
  • Air-conditioning
  • Vegetarian / vegan / gluten-free options

CFP additional services

  • Special offerings / discounts for cyclists
  • Sales of basic bicycle components and repair kits, particularly inner tubes
  • Organized bike trips in the area
  • Information on the local tourist offering, attractions, organized trips and cycling events
  • Take-away food


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

Forum Koszalin is the largest shopping center in the region. Its wide retail offer includes Polish and foreign brands, restaurants and service establishments. Its stores include: C&A, NewYorker, H&M, Reserved, Decathlon, Douglas, Media Markt, Castorama and Kaufland. But that's not all. In addition to fashion, entertainment and exceptional cuisine, our center is also a place for environmental activities. Hence, there is a hotel for bees in the Forum Koszalin space. We also care about the form of our customers, so we offer free bicycle parking to all those who want to visit us on two wheels. In addition, we have created a bicycle app #RowerynaForum with routes exploring the beauty of the region to download to your phone. During the season from June to September, we organize free one-day guided bicycle tours. The multitude of routes and varying levels of difficulty make this form of leisure activity meet with enthusiasm of both adults and children.

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Pomorze Zachodnie (The West Pomerania) | mobile app

App Pomorze Zachodnie (The West Pomerania) mobile app

You will not get lost on the route with us! In our application you will find a detailed map of routes and excursions, interesting places and events, 360 panoramas and much, much more!