Town Council’s Office in Darłowo is located in the historical building of the town hall. When the old town hall in Darłowo, burned down in1722, local authorities of that period, moved to the newly rebuilt market hall. The first town hall in Darłowo, was built probably at the end of the 14th century. It had a tall, narrow tower with a bell. That building, certainly stood out from the remaining secular constructions in the town. A fragment of the old town hall is portrayed on the map created by Lubinus in 1618. The contemporary town hall is a two-storey building with a mansard roof and symmetrical façade. It was built in a Baroque-Renaissance  style. It had been rebuilt several times. At the end of the 1980’s, town hall’s attic was also incorporated to serve the local authorities - it was transformed into an office area. The interior of the town hall is not of historical character.

At the entrance to the town hall, a Renaissance portal carved in sandstone catches attention. Its upper part comes from the old town hall. It includes the coat of arms of the town, and the inscription in Latin, which briefly describes the history of Darłowo. The date of the possible foundation of the town is mentioned there, it reads “12..”(no exact date is provided, however). Also the following dates are mentioned there: 1312 - when the town was granted with more town privileges; 1589, 1624, 1648, 1675 and 1722 - when Darłowo experienced great fires. The inscription ends with the following sentence “the town hall was rebuilt in 1725 and let it be for the last time”. Fortunately, it was the last time. Town Council’s Office is still located in that same place. Historical character of the town hall is accentuated by the presence of a big yard surrounded by old buildings. In the yard there is Pomnik Rybaka [the Fisherman Memorial], which also serves as a fountain.


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