• Address: Myślibórz

The direction of its course is originally set, thanks to which the river creates numerous bends and backwaters meandering towards the south. The areas important in term of nature through which the river follows are the following: the Myślibórz-Barlinek Lake District (in the upper course), the area of the protected landscape of Wysoczyna Gorzowska (in the middle course) and in the lower course – Ujście Warty Landscape Park. 

Rich fauna and flora encourage exploration. Around the river there are many peatlands, oxbow lakes, alluvial forests, and ponds. Thanks to the occurrence of various environments, it is easy to come across kingfishers, black storks, cranes, black and red kites, little owls, tawny owls, barn owls, red-necked grebes and many others. You can also see typical river animals, such as otters, northern crested newts, mud turtles, bats and beavers, as well as the majority of fish typical for rivers.

Thanks to the attractiveness of the river, there are kayak rafting trips organized there. The total length of the track is 85 km, and a starting point is in Lipiany, next to the town beach by Wądół Lake, further through Myślibórz, the Dębno municipality and Boleszkowice up to the mouth of Myśla into the Oder river. The difficulty level of the track is moderate, as there is a necessity to overcome various obstacles, among others permanent dams on the river (then you need to carry the kayak on the coast). Campsite infrastructure is relatively well-developed. There are campsites – among others – near the park by Kościelne Lake, near Dolsk, in Mostno, near an old mill in Dargomyśl, in Namyślno.

Fishermen will not be very satisfied with their fishing activities in Myśla River. This is caused by many dams (which also constitute a challenge for canoeists), of which only one has a fish pass allowing fish migration. The only place good for effective fishing is the mouth of the Myśla River into the Oder River, approx. 2 km behind Cholewice. During floods (especially in spring) the fisheries are not accessible due to their location – the access to them goes through meadows which are flooded and the only way to the fisheries is below the level of the meadows and therefore it becomes impassable due to a large number of puddles (impossible to cross by cars). However fishermen appreciate such a situation when the river encroaches on the land, creating so called pools and then when there is that much water you can actually catch any type of river fish. Some time ago you could catch even salmon, bull-trout and vimba vimba. Currently most frequently there are common bream, European perch, European chub, as well as pike, zander, occasionally eel, ballerus ballerus and vimba vimba.

The Myśla River is connected with the notion of the “most Templar river in Poland” due to its historical connections with the order. In the 13th century numerous local rulers granted the Templars with grounds located along Myśla, and due to the fact that they were huge surfaces, the above mentioned notion appeared. It is worth visiting a historical late Romanesque church from the 12th century, which is located on the kayak track. The church was built by the Templars and in it situated in Chwarszczany.

The river is promoted because of its natural and touristic advantages by the Association “Z Biegiem Myśli” [“With the Course of Myśla” Association]. The association promotes the region of the basin of Myśla, development of the touristic base, and active forms of relax by the Myśla River. The headquarters of the association is situated in the Museum of the Myślibórz Lake District in Myślibórz. 

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