• Address: Plac Zwycięstwa, 70-233 Szczecin

Kornel Ujejski was born in Podole in Beremie, but quickly moved to Lviv. He traveled a lot, thanks to which he met Juliusz Słowacki, Joahim Lelewel, and Fryderyk Chopin, with whom he made friends. Kornel Ujejski is considered an outstanding poet of romanticism and an activist for the liberation of Poland from partitions. In addition to his bust, on a beautiful monument from 1901 there is also a lyre with torn shackles, which symbolizes the superiority of poetry over captivity. There is an inscription "Chorał" next to it. It refers to one of the artist's most popular poems. The author talks about the peasant uprising in 1846 and the so-called Galician slaughter. The poem mentions fratricidal fights and the conflict between the peasants and the nobility instigated by the Austrians. One can feel regret and faith in him, saying that even though the nation is suffering from historical injustice, it still believes in God. On the back of the monument there is an inscription "Be happy my nation". The monument came to Szczecin from Warsaw, where it was transferred from the Eastern Borderlands.

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