The building, combining the architectural style of Stargard and Hanse, ranks among the most beautiful residential tenement buildings in Poland. The building, whose base is an 18 x 11.4 m rectangle, was built in the fifteenth century. It has a high cellar, a ground floor intended for residential purposes with a lobby that served as an office, and the higher floors used for storage purposes. In the seventeenth century the elevation was provided with Stargard blind windows. The beautiful façade consisted of the lowermost storey and a recessed portal. The western top of the building is divided into five segments by lesenes, with windows and blind windows. Higher storeys feature small arch-shaped windows. The construction suffered significant damage during the Second World War, the only original fragments left are the side and gable walls. The Protzen House was reconstructed in the 1950s. 


In 2013 the building underwent renovation, in the course of which an interesting discovery was made. A late Gothic stove tile with a representation of crucifixion of Jesus was uncovered on the façade, above the main entrance to the building. It acted as an amulet that offered protection to the occupants of the house. Currently, it is the only well-preserved exemplar of late Gothic tile burning in Stargard. The original tile was moved to the Museum of Archaeology and History in Stargard, while a copy was inserted in its original location – above the entrance door.


At present, the building serves as a seat of 1st and 2nd degree Witold Lutosławski Public Music School and it can be visited during the opening hours of the school.


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