• Address: Plac Lotników 5, 70-414 Szczecin

Bartolomeo Colleoni was a famous Venetian mercenary. His statue in Lotników Square is an exact copy of the original Renaissance piece. For many years, the statue was erected in Warsaw, but in 2002 returned to Szczecin.

The statue represents a famous Venetian condotierre (a leader of mercenary units, who formed troops at his own expense). It is one of the most impressive replicas of the most famous Renaissance works. The original statue was made by Andrea del Verrocchio. The replica was created for the need of the Municipal Museum in Szczecin in 1913. The monument was given to Warsaw as a part of support for the destroyed capital city. There, it was placed at the Academy of Fine Arts’ yard. The statue has not returned to Szczecin until 2002. In 2009, it was renovated – a weapon held in the right hand was restored. 


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