• Address: Księdza Piotra Skargi 20, 71-423 Szczecin

In 1872 Johannes Büsing applied to the building police for a concession to build a tramway line in Stettin, but it was not granted until July 14, 1879. The depot on Piotra Skargi Street was the first depot for horse-drawn streetcars in the city. It connected the newly emerging Westend district with the city center. Initially, the complex consisted of a carriage house and stables, as well as an administrative auxiliary building with a blacksmith shop. The facade of the main hall was visible from Wojska Polskiego Avenue. In 1896, the electrification of the tramway lines was carried out, at the same time adapting the depot hall to the new needs. Stalls intended for horses were removed at that time and repair channels were hollowed out. Director Klitzing, who was also the initiator of the establishment of electric streetcar lines in Szczecin, was given an apartment in the administration building. The depot manager was given an apartment built next to the depot. In 1905, a wall was built and then roofed over the space between it and the hall. In 1915 the building was expanded by adding an annex. The depot survived the war without major damage, but did not serve its function after it ended.

The Municipal Waste Management Company then established its headquarters in the former depot hall. The administration building was taken over by the Preventive Medicine Clinic, while in the annex the owner of a bicycle store started his local business. To date, the depot houses a bicycle store, however, it is run by a completely different company. Despite the fact that the building is one of the oldest in the area, it was entered in the Register of Historic Places fairly recently, only in 2011.

In 2023, a mural documenting the history of Szczecin transportation was created on the gate of the depot.

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