Bar or restaurant/place of interest/Tourist Information and other CFPs

  • safe and free-of-charge bike parking lot
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Building fully accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Service in English available
  • Service in German available
  • Wi-Fi
  • Business services (office facilities, organization of conferences)
  • Payment with credit card / BLIK / mobile app, etc.
  • Playground
  • Amenities for toddlers (chairs, beds)
  • Air-conditioning
  • Vegetarian / vegan / gluten-free options
  • Sales of souvenirs / products from local artists

CFP additional services

  • Bicycle rental shop
  • Safe parking lot available for longer (more than 24 hours) parking of bicycles
  • Electric bikes charging station
  • Balanced breakfasts for cyclists
  • Maps, tourist guides to the area, informational materials


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

In a large park of about 3.4 hectares, established back in the 1830s, consisting of oaks, lindens, maples, spruces, chestnut trees, a beautiful hornbeam avenue, hides the largest and most beautiful palace in the Czaplinek area.

It was built between 1722 and 1726 in Baroque style, later enlarged and rebuilt. It was built on a horseshoe plan, with a terrace in the middle, the middle part is covered with a mansard roof, the left wing is one-story, the right wing is a low annex. Not much remains of the old furnishings, there are fragments of two fireplaces, remnants of one Dutch tile stove, and plaster stucco in one of the palace rooms on the first floor. By the end of the 18th century the palace was owned by the Glec family, in the 19th century it belonged to the von Arnim family, and until 1945 it belonged to the von Bredow family. Now you can visit this unusual place and feel the magic of Siemczyn.

The palace is home to two unusual museums - the Interactive Baroque Museum and the Miscellaneous Crafts Universarium

The Interactive Baroque Museum is located in the spacious palace cellars. In the individual halls, organized according to historical analysis, but also the imagination of the creators, how a Baroque mansion could function, what individual rooms and offices could be located in such a palace and what the daily life of the inhabitants looked like.
This is no ordinary museum, here you can touch, search and ask.

The palace's huge attics, on the other hand, attract explorers with expositions showcasing ancient crafts (including pottery, cooperage and boilermaking). Through the windows one can admire the panorama of the area, and compare the view with photographs from several decades ago. The beautifully preserved roof trusses show the craftsmanship of past architects, which amazes contemporaries. The Universalium is not only an exhibition, it is also a lively encounter with the art of craftsmanship and the first steps of future builders. The unusual space stimulates the imagination and gives visitors a lot of fun.

The palace also features an exhibition of porcelain from the collection of local collector Ms. Czeslawa Hamerska, as well as artistic works created during open-air events organized by the Association Stacja Kultura from Borne Sulinowo.

Information and reservations:
tel. 94 375 86 21

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