CFP accommodation site

  • one night stay available for at least 4 tourists
  • safe and free-of-charge bike and luggage storage
  • free-of-charge tools for basic bike repairs
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Building fully accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Service in English available
  • Service in German available
  • Service in other languages available
  • Wi-Fi
  • Payment with credit card / BLIK / mobile app, etc.
  • Playground
  • Cinema / projector room / outdoor cinema / film rental

CFP additional services

  • Clothes and gear drying service
  • Washing service
  • Pressure washer or other equipment for washing the bicycle and gear
  • Bicycle workshop
  • Sales of basic bicycle components and repair kits, particularly inner tubes
  • Bicycle rental shop
  • Rental of kids’ bikes / bike trailers / bike seats / helmets
  • Information on the local tourist offering, attractions, organized trips and cycling events
  • Safe parking lot available for longer (more than 24 hours) parking of bicycles
  • Electric bikes charging station
  • Balanced breakfasts for cyclists
  • Access to kitchen or other facilities to prepare a meal
  • Maps, tourist guides to the area, informational materials


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

The year-round Camping **** Pod Brzozami Ustronie Morskie, which offers cheap holidays by the sea, is a combination of modernity and the possibility of communing with nature. The high standard of the field, confirmed by our possession of 4 stars, guarantees a peaceful rest, made even more pleasant by the scenic qualities, a rare view of the starry sky and the sound of the sea waves, which reaches the resort itself and helps you fall asleep. On the territory of the fenced campground, where our year-round guesthouse by the sea is located, there are thousands of trees of various species, which provide, especially in the morning, a pleasant chill in the tents and trailers of our holidaymakers; in turn, in late summer, they guarantee the incredible pleasure of mushrooming. We are over a hectare, full of greenery resort, located 100 meters from the center of Ustronie Morskie, in a quiet and peaceful area, surrounded by the charms of nature. Pod brzozami is a great place to relax. Feel the seaside climate with us! Cycling enthusiasts, look at us necessarily. Through our municipality there are bicycle trails including 1 international one. Beautiful views and landscapes are sure to please more than one of you. The culmination of each route are quite an attraction: Lighthouse in Gaski, the oldest oak trees in Poland, or the ruins of the Palace in the Podworski Park in Rusowo. When a seasoned tourist finds himself in Ustron Morski, he will easily find the signs of the tourist trail. You are eager to come to us, because we are for you!

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