• Address: Klifowa, 72-344 Rewal

The Rosy Lovers’ Boulevard is the shortened name of two connected promenades located on the seaside cliff: the Rosy Boulevard and the Lover’s Boulevard.

In the case of the first boulevard one type of flora plays an especially important role – roses. There are nearly 150 species of roses, as well as numerous exotic bushes. Also two thematic boards were placed there – with declarations of love written in several languages and with descriptions of the symbolism of different flowers.

The Lovers’ Boulevard is famous for distinctive outdoor sculptures. The first one was revealed in 2010. It is “Romeo and Juliet” by Grzegorz Sztuka. It presents a couple of young lovers symbolizing the main characters of Shakespeare’s drama. Apart from the sculpture of the couple from Verona, there is another interesting structure on the boulevard – a sculpture of the Little Prince and the Rose. Another sculpture, which will be placed on the boulevard is Tadeusz and Zosia – Mickiewicz’s couple who has been selected through a draw by the tourists and residents of Rewal.

The boulevards are supposed to inspire eternal and true love between two people. Annual reveal of subsequent sculptures of lovers is going to become a tradition of the town on the special day of the 14th of February. 

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