• Address: ul. Arciszewskiego, Kołobrzeg

In the place where there is the lapidarium right now, German public cemetery was located since 1881; it was finally liquidated in 1970. Burials, however, have not taken place there already from the first years after the war. The cemetery was partially destroyed during the war and further on it was devastated and neglected. Tombstones, which have been the elements of the lapidarium since 2000, are partially the remnants of the cemetery. The rest of tombstones were collected in an old cemetery at the other end of the city, between Grochowska and Koszalińska Streets.

The visitors of the lapidarium are greeted by 2-metre granite boulder with a black stone plaque on which there is a bilingual – Polish and German - inscription: “In memory of German inhabitants of our city buried in the old cemeteries of our town. Inhabitants of Kołobrzeg. In this place, there was the Central Public Cemetery founded in 1881”. There is a number of preserved tombstones, more or less damaged, facing Arciszewskiego Street. In many cases, the inscriptions on the tombstones are legible.


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