• Address: Szczecińska, 73-110 Stargard

The 15th meridian obelisk is a glacial erratic with a network of meridians and parallels on top and a commemorative plate stating that Stargard lies precisely 15 degrees east of the prime meridian in Greenwich. In truth, the obelisk itself stands around 220 m west of the actual 15th meridian as a result of inaccurate measurements taken at the time of its placement. 

The monument was erected by the German inhabitants of Stargard before the Second World War. It was renovated in 1966 by its contemporary caretakers – the members of Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze (PTTK) [Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society].

The obelisk stands on a stone platform. There is a bench and six chestnut trees nearby. 

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