The oldest section of the town hall dates back to the 13th century. The building underwent numerous renovations and expansions. Archaeological excavations performed in 2011 revealed traces of Viking presence from the 10th century in the vicinity of the town hall. Today, it serves as the seat of the Town Council.

The town hall in Kamień Pomorski was built in several stages, the oldest part is the western part of the building. The construction of the town hall began at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, but it was not until the mid-fourteenth century that it obtained the shape of the body that we can see today. Initially, it was based on a square, later it was extended to the base of a rectangle. In accordance with the rules in force at that time, the facade of the building faced east. In the 15th century, in the late Gothic period, the building was enriched with decorations and architectural details. Around 1600, the west gable of the building was erected with tracery decorations made of profiled brick.

In the 18th century, the entrance to the building was changed, moving it from the east to the south, then the windows were also changed to rectangular. In 1837, part of the first floor was divided into two floors in order to obtain new rooms. 90 years later, the building was regoticized, revealing the pillars and arcades of the arcades. In 1945, as a result of hostilities, the building was almost completely destroyed, only the perimeter walls with the central gable remained. The reconstruction of the Town Hall took place only in the years 1965-1968, then the condition from the 15th century was reproduced. The stylish form belongs to the transitional period in the art of Western Pomerania, between the Gothic and the Renaissance. The town hall is made of brick and partially plastered. The older, western part of the body in the Vedic thread, and the eastern part in the Gothic thread. In the basement and on the ground floor, gothic rib and barrel vaults have been preserved. The Town Hall is the most important building in the Old Town district. Attention should be paid to the three-arcade arcade with a late Gothic gable on the eastern side, as well as the western gable with tracery decorations, at the top of which is the city's coat of arms. On the southern wall, the original marten has been preserved - an old punishment tool to which a condemned man was tied with a collar around his neck, it was usually combined with flogging.

In 2011, as a result of archaeological excavations, fragments of ceramics and the handle of a Viking knife from the 10th century were discovered in front of the town hall, which can now be seen at the Kamień Land History Museum. The place of discovery has been exposed, you can see it under a special grate together with a fragment of the 16th-century wall. The nearby plaque informs about the valuable discovery. Currently, the town hall is the seat of the city authorities.


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