Built in the 1930s, the Underground City is a maze of underground corridors, rooms, and bunkers. In the times of the Polish People’s Republic, its exact location and layout were known only to a group of high-ranking military officers. In 2014, it was opened to visitors.

The Underground City on Wolin Island was opened to the public in May 2014. It is another, after the Coastal Defense Museum, venture of history enthusiasts, it is a branch of the museum. After the Gerhard Fort was restored and made available to visitors, it was the turn of the Underground City.

For years, the Underground City was a secret military facility, the existence of which only the highest-ranking officers of the Polish People's Republic knew about. It is a network of underground corridors almost a kilometer long, several dozen rooms and several shelters hidden under coastal dunes. The construction of the complex began in the 1930s. These facilities constituted the third largest coastal defense battery on the Polish coast. Until recently, it was an area managed by the military and entry here was impossible.

Visiting the complex takes place in an interactive way. Tourists are organized in platoons and, under the watchful eye of the commander, they set off into the field. Visiting the facility is a journey through time full of attractions. One of the attractions, apart from the kilometer-long walk through the tunnel connecting the shelters, is a fully equipped engine room shelter, some of which are still operational.

The facility is called a testimony of history that everyone should see, and for history lovers, what they see underground will undoubtedly be a real treasure.

The tour of the complex takes approximately 90 minutes. Entry to the site is only possible with a guide. The number of people who can enter the dungeons at one time is limited. The temperaturę in the facility does not exceed 10 degrees.


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