The building, dating back to the late 18th century, originally served as the headquarters of the Szczecin Fortress garrison. Today, it is the seat of the Szczecin Museum of Contemporary Art, showing modern art pieces from Poland and abroad.

The Museum of Contemporary Art is located in the classicist building of the former garrison headquarters of the Szczecin fortress, built in the fourth quarter of the 18th century, and repeatedly transformed in later years. It served the military authorities until the end of World War II. In the 1970s it was handed over to the National Museum in Szczecin.

In 1980, after adaptation, it became the seat of a branch of the museum related to contemporary art. Through cycles of temporary exhibitions, a program of popularizing and promoting contemporary art is implemented, based on its own collection (Polish and foreign art) and projects developed in cooperation with other institutions, organizations and artists in the country and abroad.

In addition to presenting significant phenomena in Polish art, a regional program focused on the most important creative individuals in the region of West Pomerania, the museum coordinates the international program Mare Articum, under which it organizes, among others, The Baltic Biennale of Contemporary Art.

The building is not adapted to the needs of disabled people - there is no elevator in the building. There are seven steps leading to the first exposure, without a handrail. There is one step in front of the entrance to the building.

The building was placed on the provincial list of monuments in June 1954.


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