The church is in the western part of the city, on one of the main streets, near the Turzyn shopping center

Parish church of St. Andrew Bobola in the pre-war period was the seat of the Evangelical commune. The design was created in 1928 by an architect from Szczecin, Adolf Thesmacher. The construction was completed in 1932. After the end of World War II, incl. large migrations caused the church to pass into the hands of Catholics.

The building is a two-story pseudo-basilica with modernist features. It is distinguished from the landscape by a tall, square tower. The body is covered with a gable, single-ridge roof, covered with a copper sheet. The entrance to the church is on the western wall and does not have a separate porch. The chancel is finished with a straight wall.

The interior is covered with a gabled ceiling with dark beams. It gives the impression of an open space with a mosaic with the crucified Christ in the presbytery part. Two small aisles are equipped with altars. There are also paintings in the church showing: St. Andrew Bobola, Merciful Christ, Primate Stefan Wyszyński, St. John Paul II, St. Stanisław Kostka, St. Joseph and Bl. Karolina Kózkówna.

Indulgence: 16 V.

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