• Address: Plac Solidarności, 70-549 Szczecin

It is one of the youngest and most interesting monuments of Szczecin. It commemorates the civil protest on Solidarności Square in Szczecin (in December 1970), during which 16 people were killed and approximately 100 were wounded. In that time, strikes connected with increase in prices of meat and comestibles took place throughout Poland. The monument was unveiled in 2005 in the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Independent Self-governing Trade Union "Solidarność". It represents a figure of an angel, under which special inscriptions along with a commemorative plaque with the names of the killed are located. The monument’s designer is Czesław Dźwigaj. What is noteworthy is the fact that before implementing his idea, the city authorities wanted to put in the place where the statue is standing several other sculptures. None of these projects, however, has been implemented. The other name of the monument is "Anioł Wolności" [Angel of Freedom].

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