Opened in 1947, the Maritime University continues the tradition of maritime schools in Szczecin. In 1968, the university moved to the historic building on the Chrobry Embankment.

The first building on the left is actually two buildings merged into one. The first part of today's Maritime Academy was erected in the years 1902-1905 according to the design of Emil Drews. The building with a plastered façade is decorated with vases on the top. The building was designed as the seat of the National Social Insurance Institution. The building has four wings, among which a courtyard was created. Some of the rooms were intended for offices and corporate flats. The representative staircase has survived to the present day in its original state.

The second part of the building was designed in 1912 by K. Hinckeldeyn. Its construction lasted until 1921. The red brick building has many interesting sandstone sculptures on the facade. The building was erected as the seat of the Supreme Customs Directorate. Both buildings were erected in the North German Renaissance style, and their shape was to refer to the building of the Szczecin regency located on the other side of the terraces.

The Maritime University has been operating in the buildings since 1968. At its back there is a sculpture depicting a bust of a fisherman - if we come to the academy's fence from Jarowita Street, we should see the bust. The sculpture was still in the main hall of the university in the 1960s.

The building of the Maritime University was entered on the provincial list of monuments in December 1996.


The Maritime University of Szczecin is a state technical university. It continues the traditions of maritime education, existing since 1947, maritime schools in Szczecin. The university trains officer cadres: navigators and mechanics, meeting the requirements of the modern transport and fishing fleet, as well as operating ship and port services of the sea and inland fleet. The Academy educates at three faculties (Navigation, Mechanical and Transport Engineering and Economics) on engineering, master's and doctoral studies in Polish and English. In the maritime economy, it is a renowned scientific unit, especially in the field of maritime traffic engineering.


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