Bar or restaurant/place of interest/Tourist Information and other CFPs

  • safe and free-of-charge bike parking lot
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Building fully accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Service in English available
  • Service in German available
  • Service in other languages available
  • Payment with credit card / BLIK / mobile app, etc.
  • Sales of souvenirs / products from local artists

CFP additional services

  • Special offerings / discounts for cyclists
  • Information on the local tourist offering, attractions, organized trips and cycling events
  • Information on other facilities with CFP recommendation
  • Booking accommodation in the next CFP facility
  • Maps, tourist guides to the area, informational materials


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

The Regional Tourist Information Centre in Koszalin was established in 2005 as a part of the Association of the Communes and Districts of Central Pomerania. It is a modern institution established to meet the needs both of people visiting the region and of the inhabitants of the city and its neighbourhood. The Tourist Information provides free-of-charge consultations concerning the city and the district of Koszalin. Services are provided in Polish, English, and German.

The Centre provides information concerning regional tourist attractions, such as sights, overlooks, nature reserves, thematic villages, etc. Tourists preferring active forms of rest can use the database gathering information on hiking and biking routes, as well as on opportunities for water tourism and horseback riding.

Tourists can also find out details about places connected with recreation (swimming pools, skating rinks, shooting ranges, bowling alleys, fitness clubs, dance schools), places of culture (libraries, museums, theatres, concert halls), and sports and culture events taking place in the region.

Tourist Information Centre also provides information on accommodation and catering.

In the Centre, it is possible to purchase maps, guidebooks books and souvenirs, as well as to receive free publications. The institution also participates in preparing publications about tourism.

In the Centre, there is a stand with free-of-charge Internet access. What is more, in front of the building there is a twenty-four-hour interactive kiosk. The second kiosk is located inside the building.

The Tourist Information Centre has been adapted for the needs of the disabled.


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