• Address: 70-551 Szczecin

From the very beginning, the professors' houses were associated with the nearby collegiate church. Of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Middle Ages, they were inhabited by the canons of the collegiate chapter, and after the Reformation carried out in the 16th century, professors of the Princely Pedagogy of Szczecin.

Originally, the facades of the buildings faced the church as the city wall ran behind them. In 1739, the modernization of the facilities began, during which the front façade was created at the rear of the buildings.

In the building at the intersection of today's Mariacka Street and Korsarzy Street the so-called economat, and at Mariacka Street was the so-called Great Auditorium. In 1831, two buildings at the corner of Mariacka Street, and in 1931 one of them was liquidated.

The complex of buildings survived the activities carried out during the Second World War. In the years 1964-1969, the remaining houses were thoroughly renovated. Today, the facade of the building is renovated. In the basements of some buildings, Gothic cellars from the 15th century have been preserved, with rib vaults. The underground has been adapted into a restaurant.

The complex of professors' houses at Żołnierza Polskiego Square was entered on the provincial list of monuments in June 1954.

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