• Address: Koszalin

The origins of the Pomeranian Dukes Park can be traced back to the reign of Prince Bogusław X. A castle garden surrounding the pond was created then, right at the foot of the rampart. The park was built in stages; it was built, repaired and other parts were added for over 400 years.

Stara Promenada [The Old Promenade] is considered to be the oldest part of the park. Its construction started in 1602 and was completed in 1817, and this date is officially considered to be the beginning of the park. The name of Stara Promenada functioned until the 1950s when the park was officially named Przyjaźni Polsko-Radzieckiej Park. When after 1989 the name ceased to function, it was called simply the municipal park. 

The park is divided into two parts - "A" - the northern part of the green belt with Stara Promenada, and part "B" - the ​​southern area, attached to the original park in later years.

Part "A" is an area of about the size of 6.7 ha, which was built in two stages: 1602-1817 and 1933-1934, when works to develop the land were finished for good. 

A large part of the park i made up of well-kept lawns with flowerbeds, mainly rose ones. Trees do not grow in large groups, they occur in isolation or as rows along the alleys. These are usually very old specimens that have been declared natural monuments. The old sycamore draws the most attention, it is the remains of the castle garden. It is commonly called 'the witches' tree'. Its age is estimated at more than 300 years, and the circumference is up to 500 cm. Beeches, birches, oaks, alders and willows are equally noteworthy. Their falling leaves give incredible charm to the shores of the river. Besides native trees, the park has a whole range of exotic trees such as ginkgo biloba, London plane, Sawara cypress, magnolia shrub, Amur cork tree, American tulip tree and others. There is also a very large variety of the species of shrubs. In total, over 120 species of plants grow in the park. 

Thanks to these natural conditions, the park is home to many animals, mostly birds. It is worth mentioning that the park became a refuge for water birds because of its pond and the river flowing nearby. In 1934 an island, which was given the name of 'Swan Island,' was created on the pond. Every year a couple of swans rear their offspring there. 

That pond is the main spot in the park (with an area of 1.5 hectares) and much of the infrastructure is located around it. The main alleys lead to its shores, along which benches are placed. There two bridges over the river, and three sculptures nearby. There are two fountains in the park. The first of them, a prewar - like, has been highlighted. The lights are switched on every day from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. 

A part of the park "B" used to be called Janka Sawicka Park. It is smaller than the "A" one because it covers an area of 3.5 hectares. There are over 90 tree and shrub species in the area. A great deal of them such as Babylon willow and eastern black walnut are monumental specimens. Its composition resembles part "A" - clearings cut by wooded alleys dominate there. 

The entire park complex is surrounded by numerous institutions and public utility facilities. You can find there service and catering facilities like coffee shops, restaurants, the post office and the police station. There are also two theatres in close proximity: Teatr Propozycji Dialog named after Henryka Rodkiewicz and the Baltic Dramatic Theatre named after Juliusz Słowacki. Part "A" borders in the north the equally noteworthy Tadeusz Kościuszko Park, and part "B" - the KS Bałtyk stadium.

The park is very well maintained, renovations are constantly carried out. Due to its central location and proximity to numerous historic buildings and utility facilities, it is the most visited park by locals and tourists in whole Koszalin. 

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