• Address: Kupczyka 2, 71-370 Szczecin

The beach is located on the southern shore of Lake Głębokie. It is 200 m long and very popular among the citizens of Szczecin. The beach has toilets, as well as barbecue and bonfire sites.

Głębokie Bathing Area is one of the most popular resting places among the residents of Szczecin. It is estimated that in summer it is visited by several dozens of thousands of people. The length of the beach calculated along the coast is 200 m. It is fenced and equipped with rich infrastructure. There are special places prepared for barbecues or bon fires, rubbish bins, toilets, changing rooms, medical facilities, as well as a separate place for children with a sandpit and a playground. The bathing area is also equipped with a pier and a water intake with wastewater discharge. Apart from that, within the bathing area there is a restaurant and a rope park. Qualified lifeguards take care of the people resting in the area. It is prohibited to bring pets to the bathing area. 


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