Built in the 1850s, originally as an observation point and artillery position of Fortress Świnoujście, Angel’s Fort is styled and named after Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome. The fort currently serves as an exhibition space and a cultural venue.

The Angel's Fort was built in the years 1854-1858, during the reign of the Prussian king Frederyk Wilhelm IV, as an artillery and observation point for the Świnoujście Fortress. At that time, the ground floor was manned by infantry with small arms, and two floors were used for light field artillery. Cannons and ammunition were transported upwards by ropes through oval holes in the ceilings. During World War II, the fort was rebuilt and equipped with all available technology (electricity, central heating, radio stations, telegraph) and served as an air observation post for the German forces. After the war, it was taken over by the Russians. Currently, the facility is being renovated and serves not only a museum but also a cultural role for the city of Świnoujście. Music and poetry concerts are held in the fort, but also shows of traditional medieval knighthood fights. In addition, you can measure your own strength by shooting a bow, slingshot or air rifle during classes at the shooting range. n the Fort, there is also an unusual museum Viking Hall, where all the exhibits can be tried on, picked up and posed for photos. The shape of the fort (built on a regular pentagonal plan) resembles the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, hence its name.

Permanent exhibitions:
- exhibition of navigation equipment
- porcelain exhibition
- amber jewelery exhibition
- art glass exhibition
- exhibitions of paintings and sculptures by various authors


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